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Fix your cycle, banish acne, heal PCOS symptoms, supercharge fertility and boost your metabolism in just 8 weeks
By using a proven evidence based 5-step framework
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my personal health recovery, 10+ 
years of university and postgraduate study as well as hundreds of success 
stories with working with women 1:1 in my clinic and channeled it into a 
comprehensive, step-by-step program that not only teaches you the 
science behind how your hormones work, but exactly how to correct 
your individual imbalances for good.
Hormone Harmony Academy is the ONLY program of its kind that…
  • Decodes YOUR cycle rather than giving generalized advice using a science backed approach.
  • Helps you understand what YOUR body is trying to communicate with you through symptoms and gets rid of the mystery surrounding your cycle
  • Individualizes diet, supplement and lifestyle advice to suit YOUR hormonal needs
  • ​Gives you the tools to support your hormonal picture for the rest of your life. No quick fixes, only long-term, lasting solutions that are tailored to you
  • ​Provides 1:1 and group support through every baby step to make sure you get it right this time - no more doing it alone!
  • ​Doesn’t require expensive, high-tech products or equipment - just a basic kitchen and access to a computer or tablet. No fancy foods or celebrity-endorsed products needed!
So, if you’re ready to finally heal your period problems, banish your adult acne and supercharge your fertility, here's how we'll get you there:
I am eternally grateful to have found Tamika's Instagram account. The amount of information she shares on social media and her website is already a gold mine.
I was so excited to enrol in the Hormone Harmony Academy program. I was at a point in my life where I had absolutely no control on my PCOS (type of hormonal imbalance) and met with multiple doctors who just recommended me to take the pill again and do a second round of Accutane (very powerful and unhealthy medication for acne treatment). Then, entered Tamika and her knowledge and love for living a healthy, balanced hormone life. No toxic medication, no pill, but a full comprehension of your body, how it functions, what it needs, what to implement, what to stop… An amount of information where to this day, I still speak of Tamika as one of my favourite teachers. Her ability to listen to every one of her students, give each of the women her undivided attention, her beautiful spirit and passion, made me look forward to Monday’s. And I am really not over doing my thoughts. 3 months in, all my symptoms are gone, I am feeling SO MUCH better with myself, in my skin, my heart, everything. I am so thankful for you Tamika. So thankful for all the answers, the courses, the live sessions, the genuine interest you have in making sure every women is doing good. WOW. I could go and on but I’ll stop here. Thank you again, for everything. I highly recommend joining the Hormone Harmony Academy program for any woman looking to take control of her hormonal health.


Montreal, Canada

I'm Tam Woods, founder of Nourished Natural Health and the Clinical Nutritionist that is absolutely obsessed by the incredible changes that women can make to their cycles through diet and lifestyle. And trust me -

I've been exactly where you are now...

10 years ago, this is how my life looked: 

  • Horrendous acne that stopped me leaving the house without makeup
  • Incredibly painful periods that left me bed-bound, calling in sick to work
  • Periods coming on a schedule of their own - often not showing up for months at a time
  • Zero libido and flatlining energy 
  • Feeling completely out of touch with my body and fed up with feeling like crap every day
  • ​​Distrusting what my body was trying to tell me, suppressing my symptoms with painkillers, birth control, the latest acne creams/washes/pills with no relief
By changing my diet, addressing my imbalanced blood sugar, chronic gut and detoxification issues, I was finally able to experience pain-free, regular cycles, clear skin and stable moods.

I finally feeling like myself again after a decade of being unwell. Now, I have a burning desire to help other women in the same boat. 

On my journey to learn how to help woman like me (and help myself, of course!), I: 
  • Spent 4 years studying full-time and tens of thousands of dollars to become a qualified Nutritionist (earning a Bachelor of Health Science, Nutritional Medicine, if you're a details person!)
  • Spent 4 years learning how I could best teach people everything I know with a Bachelor of Education graduating with Honours (#humblebrag)
  • Became a certified Fertility Awareness Educator all the while continuing to improve my health. 
  • Treated hundreds of clients with my proven hormone balancing protocols. 
I did all this so that YOU don't have to spend thousands of dollars and a decade (or more!) to learn what I know.
Check out what these amazing women had to say about HHA
What is Hormone Harmony Academy?
Hormone Harmony Academy is my signature program, designed to give you the personalized support you to find the shortcut to hormonal bliss.
Hormone Harmony Academy gives you all the tools and resources to go from:
"I have no idea where to start"... feeling fully empowered by your body to become the clear skinned, slender, high-energy, balanced goddess you know is deep down inside you.

Hormone Harmony Academy provides you with all the tools and resources you need, including direct support from me and my team, to be this incredible version of yourself.
So what do you get when you enrol in Hormone Harmony Academy?

#1. You Get Access The 5 Steps To Hormone Harmony Framework ($997 Value)

Throughout Hormone Harmony Academy, you will spend 12 weeks being guided by me and my team through my 5 Steps To Hormone Harmony Framework.
This framework is my life's work and has helped thousands of women heal their PCOS symptoms, painful periods, hormonal acne, irregular cycles and more as well as supercharging fertility.
5 Steps To Hormone Harmony
STEP 1: Hormone 
Balancing Diet
Learn the foundations of eating to create healthy hormones, clear skin, pain free periods and supercharged fertility
STEP 2: Stabilize 
blood sugar
Implement the 5-step protocol to naturally balance your blood sugar PLUS get rid of your sugar cravings for good
STEP 3: Gut and 
liver detox
Support your elimination of hormones by supercharging your digestion and liver detoxification
STEP 4: Decode 
your cycle
Learn what your symptoms are telling you about your hormonal imbalances and address these with personalised supplements, diet and lifestyle support
STEP 5: Live in sync 
with your cycle
Become in tune with the natural rhythms within your body and learn to work WITH them rather than against them for ultimate hormone harmony

    2. You Get Access To My Guided 8-Week Signature Digital Course (Value: $997)

    Get access to my full 8-week digital program that goes deep on the 5-step framework. This digital program is designed so that you are able to understand your unique hormonal imbalance and personalize the program based on your needs with the support of me. and my team.
    Module 1 (start INSTANTLY once you enrol!)
    Kick Start
    Kick things off with the Hormone Kickstart Diet. This 2-week challenge helps you dive headfirst into healing your hormones by upping your intake of hormone loving foods, and crowding out the less helpful foods.

    No bland, deprivation diets here - just real, delicious wholefoods that make you feel vibrant and energised within days of starting the course.

    Even if you’ve never made changes to your diet before, this module will break down exactly what’s important and how to achieve it so you feel confident to make simple changes and get the ball rolling.
      • Uncover the #1 food to eat to fix period problems, banish acne and supercharge fertility
      • Learn the exact foods to add into your diet today to start balancing your hormones
      • ​Discover simple tricks to reduce your intake of unhelpful foods and drinks so you never feel deprived
      • ​​Experience increased energy, digestion and vitality within days
      Module 2
      Foods Your Hormones Love
      Build on your initial quick wins by learning the foundations of a hormone-balancing diet. Here you’ll discover the importance of healthy fats and proteins for your hormones and exactly which ones and how much to eat of each.

      You’ll start adding in healthy serves of foods that provide the building blocks for hormone creation and help to clear your skin.

      You’ll implement the simple practice of seed cycling to support your body’s natural hormone production throughout different stages of the month by adding in a delicious snack to your daily routine.
        • Implement my Seed Cycling For Hormone Balance Protocol (hint: it tastes amazing!)
        • Learn the simple trick to determine how much protein your body (and hormones) need to regulate your cycles
        • ​Dispel the common myths about fat and discover which ones you need for your hormones and clear skin
        Module 3
        Master The Hormone Balance Diet
        Now that you’ve learned the foundations of a hormone-friendly diet, it’s time to individualize your nutrition to suit your unique hormonal picture. You’ll learn exactly how to determine which style of eating is best for your individual needs and what this looks like on your plate.

        You’ll have access to the exclusive members-only Happy Hormone Cookbook (among 10+ other Essential Support Resources, more info later on that) to take the guesswork out of how to prepare and cook delicious, simple meals that your tastebuds and hormones love. You WILL NOT be spending hours in the kitchen or money wasted on expensive ingredients.
          • Unlock the ultimate balanced diet tips that reduce overeating, keep you full and balance your hormones
          • Determine your body's unique carbohydrate tolerance and how this influences your cycle regularity
          • Discover the link between carbohydrates and irregular or missing periods (aka hypothalamic amenorrhea if you want to be fancy)
          Module 4
          Balance Your Blood Sugar and End Sugar Cravings
          Now that you are feeling confident about how to eat for your unique hormonal picture, you’ll add on my signature 6-Step Protocol to balance your blood sugar.

          With balanced blood sugar you’ll finally get off the energy roller coaster and experience consistent moods and energy throughout the day without the need for caffeine and sugar.

          You’ll also implement the 6-Steps To End Sugar Cravings Protocol so you can say goodbye to that 3pm chocolate bar and after-dinner craving. 
            • Discover exactly how to balance your blood sugar
            • Implement the 6-Steps To End Sugar Cravings Protocol
            • Tap into your unlimited energy source and stop riding the energy (and hormonal) rollercoaster all day long
            • ​Watch your skin clear up as your blood sugar becomes balanced
            Module 5 
            Supercharge Digestion
            With balanced blood sugar giving you vibrant energy and stable moods, you’re now ready to tackle a cornerstone treatment of hormonal imbalance: your digestive health.

            Here, you’ll discover exactly why poor digestion is one of the biggest contributors to period problems and hormonal acne.

            You’ll implement the 5-Step Supercharged Digestion Protocol to heal your individual digestive symptoms from bloating to irregular stools and heartburn.
              • Learn the secret link between poor digestion, hormonal imbalances and acne
              • Identify potential issues with your digestion using the Gut Health Scale
              • Implement the 5-Step Supercharged Digestion Protocol to heal your issues for good
              • ​Enjoy a bloat-free stomach and humming digestion as your period problems continue to disappear and fertility improves
              Module 6
              Love Your Liver
              With your digestive system effectively clearing your excess hormones, it’s time to take a look at how well your liver is breaking them down. In this module you’ll explore the signs that your detoxification pathways need some extra support by using my Liver Health Scale.

              You’ll implement my 2-Step Liver Love Protocol to boost the identified areas of your liver which need support and say goodbye to painful periods, acne and PMS. 
                • Identify issues with your liver detoxification pathways using the Liver Health Scale
                • Implement the 2-Step Liver Love protocol to support your identified liver issues
                • Watch your skin begin to clear, period pain ease and mood swings disappear as your body efficiently clears excess hormones 
                Module 7
                Decode Your Cycle
                Now that your detoxification and elimination pathways are supercharged and you are no longer dealing with excess hormones, you’re finally able to zoom in on what your unique symptoms are trying to tell you.

                You’ll learn the secret language of your hormones and how changes in your period colour, consistency and flow are clever tools your body uses to alert you to what needs to be addressed.

                Armed with the ability to decode your cycle, you’ll implement the Ultimate Individualized Supplement Protocol to choose only the most indicated supplements for your unique hormonal needs.
                  • Take the Decode Your Cycle quiz and learn exactly what your period is trying to tell you
                  • Learn how to read the signs of your whole cycle as secret messages about your health
                  • Implement the Ultimate Individualized Supplement Protocol
                  • ​Address any remaining symptoms with targeted nutritional support and a personalised protocol 
                  Module 8
                  Live In Sync With Your Cycle + Harness Your Feminine Energy
                  With your symptoms and hormonal imbalances addressed and armed with the knowledge to interpret and repair any future issues, it’s time to dive into one of the most rewarding modules of the entire course.

                  Here, you’ll finally understand the basic physiology of your menstrual cycle and the events that take place each month. You’ll discover the hormones involved and how to chart your cycle to become more in sync with your monthly flow.

                  You’ll then begin implementing the principles of harnessing your feminine energy so that you can finally stop fighting your cycle and tap into the energetic changes throughout the month. Living in harmony with your cycle, you have access to an​ infinite source of wisdom, energy and clarity.

                  With balanced hormones, glowing skin, kickass feminine energy, and living in flow with your cycle you are an unstoppable, vibrant goddess ready to take on the world! 
                    • Take the mystery out of your menstrual cycle and finally understand the hormonal changes that take place, including when ovulation takes place
                    • Learn how to maximise productivity and when to rest to harness the infinite feminine power of the menstrual cycle
                    • Harness your knowledge of the cycle and the energetic shifts throughout the month to tap into the most vibrant, energetic, unstoppable version of you 

                      3. Personalize To Your Needs With The Essential Support Resources (Value: $497)

                      PLUS along with the 8 weekly modules, I couldn't resist adding even more value... (because I want you to THRIVE)
                      All HHA students receive instant access to the Essential Support Resources Pack with resources that you can use depending on where you are on your personal journey.
                      We're adding to this resource all the time, and you will get ongoing access to these resources.
                      Essential Support Resources breakdown
                      Happy Hormone Cookbook
                      Take the stress out of cooking! Nourish your hormones with delicious meals, snacks and drinks that follow the hormone-balancing diet principals covered in the program.
                      The Clear Skin Solution: Banish Hormonal Acne For Good
                      Designed specifically for women suffering with hormonal acne breakouts. This in-depth guide covers exactly what do eat, avoid and which supplements to take to banish hormonal acne for good. It’s the ultimate companion to the core Hormone Harmony Academy program if you are dealing with skin issues (or want to prevent them) and it comes complete with a 'Banish Acne' Meal Plan and recipes.
                      FERTILE: A Guide To Nourishing Natural Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum
                      Everything you need to know to nourish the entire preconception to postpartum period. A 48-page comprehensive guide to preparing both you and your partner's bodies for pregnancy using diet changes, targeted supplements, cycle tracking and lifestyle changes. Month-by-month pregnancy nutrition advice, supplements to consider during pregnancy and how to navigate stress and exercise. And finally, a deep dive into the postpartum period - nourishing the new mother and promoting connection with your new baby. 
                      Cycle Tracking Chart: The Menstrual Mandala
                      A beautiful way to chart your cycle no matter if you have a current menstrual cycle or not. This eBook contains two variations of a cycle tracking mandala - one for women with a current period, and a second option to use the moon cycles for women with amenorrhea (missing periods), on birth control that prevents periods, in menopause or pregnancy. 
                      Seed Cycling 101
                      Covering the supportive practice of eating particular combinations of seeds at different phases of your menstrual cycle to help balance estrogen and progesterone. This is a simple trick that can be used to promote hormonal balance no matter what imbalance you are struggling with. Especially useful for irregular cycles and missing periods. Includes two delicious seed cycling bliss ball recipes so that you can get started with this practice today!
                      Low Tox Products Guide
                      This resource is continually updated with the best natural brands of skincare, makeup, cleaning products and haircare to make living a low-tox life a breeze. Past and current HHA students contribute their favorite product names, creating an ever-growing a resource of worldwide brands that are tried as tested by the HHA Sisterhood (because no-one wants a natural deodorant that doesn't work!)
                      DIY Hormone Loving Meals (no recipes needed!)
                      Pssst - I've got a secret for you...
                      You don't have to be experienced in the kitchen or follow a recipe to create a hormone nourishing meal. There's a simpler strategy that lets you enjoy all of your favorite foods and flavours while also making sure your hormones are getting everything they need to stay balanced.
                      I call it the 'DIY Nourished Bowl'. Learn the exact steps to put together hormone-balancing, delicious meals without even having to follow a recipe!
                      Meal Planner and Shopping List
                      Plan your meals for the week and write up your grocery list whilst following the HHA eating principles we cover in the program. There's space to jot everything down and stick on your fridge, ready for a week of healthy eating! 
                      Food and Symptom Journal
                      Tracking changes you have made to your diet, exercise routine, stress management and supplement regime is so important. You will have a clear record of what's working and what isn't.

                      The Ultimate PCOS Survival Kit
                      The most comprehensive guide to reversing the symptoms of PCOS by addressing your root cause. This 51 page guide contains everything you need to know about PCOS. From symptoms, diagnosis and testing, to what to eat, which supplements to take, how to exercise and tips to optimise fertility and pregnancy. (Note: Only available if you sign up to my Heal Your Cycle Masterclass)
                      What HHA Students Are Saying...
                      Hear about past HHA members' results and experience in the program:
                      Psssssst - wait there are
                      INCREDIBLE bonuses too!
                      I wanted to make Hormone Harmony Academy the ONLY resource you need to heal your cycle forever, so I've included thousands of dollars of bonuses for you.

                      BONUS #1: Direct Nutritionist & Naturopath Support (Value: $497)

                      Joining HHA means you have direct, priority access to me and my team of highly trained hormone-specialist nutritionists and naturopaths via email and inside our exclusive Facebook group for 12 weeks.

                      We want this program to be as personalized to you as if you were seeing someone 1-1.
                      Our Hormone Harmony Inner Circle Group is one of my favourite places to hang out because it’s FULL of women on the same journey as you - lifting each other up and cheering you on.
                      Any time you have a question or need a bit of a pep talk to keep you motivated, my team and I are there.

                      We run small groups, specifically so that we can dedicate enough time to each and every person going through the program.

                      Bonus #2: Access My Personalized Vitamin Protocol Tool (Value: $497)

                      Stop wasting money and time on useless vitamins.

                      Vitamins are an incredibly powerful tool when used in the right way.

                      The reason some vitamins won't work for you is because they aren't individualized to your unique root cause. 
                      I created this personalized supplement protocol tool to help you work out the most highly indicated vitamins for your body so that you can focus only on the ones that are right for you and stop wasting money on those that aren’t. 
                      And for those that sign up within 7 days of watching my webinar, you get $100 off the course price and you also get...
                      ✨The Cycle Supercharge Bonus Bundle✨
                      This ultimate upgrade will sync your diet, movement and mindset with the phases of your cycle to seriously up-level your hormone balancing game.  
                      Cycle Syncing Workout Video series ($97 value)
                      Cycle Syncing Meditations ($97 value) 
                      CYCLE SYNCING WORKOUT SERIES

                      ($97 value)

                      The game-changing hack to maximizing your workouts as a menstruator.

                      By following the changing energy patterns throughout your menstrual cycle, these weekly workout videos meet you exactly where your hormones are, leaving you feeling energized and in sync.

                      Lower intensity, stretch-based routines for menstruation time to reduce period pain and promote relaxation.

                      Higher intensity workouts during ovulation to maximize your surging estrogen and testosterone. 

                      • 4 x weekly 20-minute virtual home workouts
                      • No equipment required
                      • Adaptable for beginners to seasoned gym junkies
                      • ​Created by certified pilates and fitness instructor Brittany LaBotz
                      • ​Workout alongside Brittany using the videos, or follow the PDF workout guide

                      ($97 value)

                      A beautiful collection of 12-minute meditations to support each distinct phase of your menstrual cycle. Listen to the guided meditations daily to drop into the season of your cycle and take some time to breathe (because lowered stress = happy hormones!)

                      All audio files can be downloaded directly to your phone or computer so you can find a comfy seat and hit play whenever and wherever. 

                      Check Out Maria's Inspirational PCOS Journey With HHA
                      By following the evidence-based protocols inside the Hormone Harmony 
                      Academy program, Maria was able to completely reverse 
                      her excruciating period pain, improve her energy and digestion and 
                      begin addressing the root cause of her PCOS-related hair loss and 
                      acne. I caught up with Maria about her experience inside the 
                      program and her biggest ah-ha moments.
                      Check out what these amazing women had to say 
                      about Hormone Harmony Academy
                      CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT / HTML

                      Join Hormone Harmony Academy Today You'll Receive...

                      FULL ACCESS to the Hormone Harmony Academy program & my 5 step to heal your hormones framework - $1997 Value

                      You’ll get access to all 11 video lessons, cheat sheets, supplement guides, checklists, and every tool you need to heal your hormone imbalances for good with confidence and ease.

                      PLUS the Essential Support Resources - $700 Value

                      Includes 10 eBooks, access to the Hormone Harmony Sisterhood Facebook group, and more.

                      PLUS direct nutritionist and naturopath support - $497 Value

                      PLUS access to my personalized vitamin recommendation tool - $497 Value

                      PLUS the Cycle Supercharge Bonus Bundle - $187 Value

                      When you add it all up, that’s a real-world value of over $3878 USD.

                      (Relatively small when you think about a lifetime of feeling vibrant, symptom-free and 100x more productive...)

                      But because I’m super excited to welcome you into the growing group of women who are taking their health into their own hands, I’m giving you the opportunity to enrol in Hormone Harmony Academy TODAY at the ridiculously low price of $497 USD. 
                      Pay in full or pay in installments
                      You can pay in instalments, using Paypal Pay In 4, or pay in full now.
                      SAVE $100 TODAY
                       $597 USD
                      $497 USD
                      one time payment or 4 payments of $124 every 2 weeks using Paypal Pay In 4
                      • FULL access to Hormone Harmony Academy program
                      • All the crazy good bonuses
                      • Huge discounts on upgrades to supercharge your results
                      Would you like hormone 
                      balancing fries with that?
                      When you sign up for Hormone Harmony Academy, you get 
                      exclusive discounts on incredible upgrades to supercharge your 
                      experience. Just add them to your cart on checkout.
                      Upgrade #1:
                      ✨ 8 Weeks Of Personalized Hormone Healing Meal Plans, Recipes & 1-Click Shopping Lists ✨
                      I want to make eating for your hormones as simple as possible.

                      When you sign up for Hormone Harmony Academy, you'll get 8 weeks of customizable hormone balancing meal plans built for you.

                      Each and every meal in the plan includes an accompanying recipe and a 1-click shopping list that you print out or you can use on Amazon or Instacart.
                      Add this to your order for $179 at checkout RRP: $299
                      Upgrade #2:
                      ✨ Massive discounts on my signature vitamin for healing your period ✨
                      When you sign up to HHA, you can subscribe to receive our Nourished Period Repair + Regulate vitamin every 3 months for a massive discount. There are no lock in contracts so you are able to cancel anytime.

                      This vitamin is the essential natural dietary supplement to support you throughout your cycle.

                      HHA students receive 15% off forever, but 25% off when you subscribe with your HHA enrollment (RRP: $117).
                      "I am so grateful to have come across Tamika’s course! I can’t believe how little I knew and understood about my own body. Hormone Harmony is like the missing personal development subject all girls needed in school. I am now confident in how to feed and treat my body to compliment my hormonal changes throughout my cycle, and know what to look out for when things become out of whack. I’ve lived with horrible pains, breakouts and moodiness monthly with my period for my entire life, and thought that the pill was the only answer (as my doctors told me). I am now so happy to have had my first painless period in a very long time. I only get a couple breakouts now, and I’m beginning to feel happier and less grumpy before my period comes!
                      I can’t recommend this course enough to everyone out there with uteruses- understanding the way your body works is so empowering!"


                      Sydney, Australia
                      Questions our top students asked before saying
                      “Heck Yes” 
                      to Hormone Harmony Academy
                      When does the course start? When will new content be released?
                      Module 1 starts the minute you enrol. You'll also gain instant access to the Essential Support Resources and Cycle Supercharge Bonus Bundle (if you joined during the special promotional period).

                      Modules will be released weekly for the 8 week duration of the course, on the same day of the week that you signed up.

                      As soon as you enrol, will be able to sign up to the private Facebook group and we will give you access ASAP, so that you can start connecting with the other women in the group and receive support from Tam and her team. A strong support network is crucial to your success!
                      I'm based in Australia/the UK/Europe/USA/Canada/somewhere else - can I still join HHA?

                      HHA is 100% online, meaning you can access it from anywhere, anytime, on any device.

                      The weekly course videos are optimised to play on mobile or desktop. Every module includes a downloadable audio file of the video module so you can listen on the go.

                      The monthly live group sessions (hosted inside the Facebook group) are run at a time to accomodate most time zones, and are always recorded in case you can't attend live.
                      Other than the live events, the entire course can be completed on your own time schedule, pace and location with no issues!

                      I've even included a special bonus document with my past students' favorite toxin-free brands from all around the world, so you'll be able to find local food, cleaning and skincare brands in your home town! 
                      Will I have to wait 8 weeks before seeing results? Should I just go back on the pill? 
                      Within weeks of beginning the program most women experience shifts in their energy, improved digestion and increased focus throughout the day.

                      Many women start to see hugely positive changes to their hormones before the 8 week mark (such as less painful periods, clearer skin and reduced PMS - I mean, check out the testimonials scattered throughout this page and on Trustpilot) but it is important to continue for the full 8 weeks to make sure you continue to reap the benefits.

                      The pill may offer you a short term solution to your period problems and acne breakouts, but does not address the root cause of why your body is experiencing those symptoms in the first place. Using band-aid solutions to treat your problems might make you feel good in the short term, but ultimately allows these small imbalances and niggling issues to continue to progress and can result in conditions that are much harder to treat.

                      Putting in the work now to fix your problems for good will set you up for a lifetime of optimal health and reduce the chances of long term impacts on your fertility (plus you'll feel amazing!)
                      How will this course be individualized to my needs? Don't I need a 1:1 appointment?
                      Hormone Harmony Academy teaches you to interpret your own period and hormonal symptoms, assess your digestive and detoxification capacity and determine which unique hormone imbalances are most likely driving your symptoms or fertility struggles.

                      Each module then provides individualized protocols and suggestions tailored to your unique situation.

                      The protocols inside Hormone Harmony Academy are the exact protocols Tamika uses with her clients in 1:1 sessions to bring them back to a state of balance.

                      The research-backed protocols have been proven successful by hundreds of clients and students because they are individualized to exactly what's going on with your body, not just following a generic plan (just take a read of some of the reviews above!)

                      You will also progress through the course fully supported by the Hormone Harmony Academy community where you can ask questions and further discover how to individualize everything you are learning in the program.
                      HHA gives you the confidence to tackle your unique issues the right way for good.
                      I’ve already tried so many ways to fix my problems and nothing has worked. How do I know this will be any different?
                      I can relate! Before I healed my hormone imbalances for good, I’d bought every celebrity-endorsed vitamin, face mask, juice cleanse and diet program under the sun. I’d experienced zero changes in my health and was feeling more confused and frustrated than ever.

                      What’s different about Hormone Harmony Academy is that you learn to read the signs of your period and hormone symptoms, and understand what your body is trying to communicate with you. Rather than applying generalized advice that worked for someone else, understanding the language of your hormones means you are able to respond with the right foods, supplements and lifestyle changes for your individual body for the rest of your life.

                      The protocols I share in HHA are the exact steps I used to reverse my own hormonal imbalances, clear my skin and fall pregnant naturally and easily with my beautiful daughter. 
                      I'm already so busy. How many hours will I need to invest each week?
                      This course has been specifically designed for women, like you, that are busy and on the go.
                      Each week you’ll receive access to one of the 8 modules. Each module contains one or two 10-15 minute videos plus downloadable support documents.

                      If you plan to complete the course within 8 weeks, we suggest setting aside around 60 minutes per week to watch the modules, go through the handouts and begin implementing your new knowledge. You may also like to set aside 20 minutes to jump in the members Facebook group, watch the live videos and ask questions.

                      There is no pressure to complete the course within the 8-week timeframe however, as you will have access to the digital course platform for at least 12 months and all lessons are available to download as video or audio files which you can save and enjoy lifetime access.

                      Take 8 weeks or 8 months to complete the course! It's entirely up to you how you choose to implement it and fit it into your lifestyle. 
                      How do the live support sessions work?
                      Every month, Tamika (or one of her highly qualified team) will appear live in the private Facebook group to answer all of your burning questions, check in with your progress and share tips and tricks to keep you moving forward.

                      Each live session will be recorded. Questions and comments can be submitted in advance if you are unable to attend live, and the recording will remain in the Facebook group to watch at a later time. 
                      Do you have a guarantee policy?
                      Yes. I call it 'The Real Results Guarantee':

                      My colleagues in the industry say I'm INSANE for offering this, but I know you will get results. You can access the full course for 8 weeks and if you put in the work, show it to me and have zero results, you can have your money back.

                      If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated to continue your journey to finally being free of period problems, skin breakouts and roller coaster mood swings, simply reach out to Tam at within 56 days (8 weeks) of beginning the course and show me you’ve done the work of the first 8 modules and I'll refund your entire investment. Read the full refund policy here.

                      This is a zero risk investment. Get results or your money back.
                      What if I’m on a hormonal contraceptive (the pill, IUD, Implanon etc)?
                      This course is ideal to set you up for transitioning off hormonal birth control or for supporting your body whilst you are on birth control.

                      If you currently take the pill, have an inserted device (like an IUD, Mirena or Implanon) or a shot (like Depo Provera) Hormone Harmony Academy will teach you the strategies to support any possible nutrient deficiencies caused by your hormonal birth control and support detoxification pathways. Following the 5-step protocol will allow your body to function at it's best during this time.

                      By putting in the work now to ensure you are optimally nourished, you will likely have a much easier ride if/when you decide to stop using your hormonal birth control and will find your cycles return to normal faster. 
                      I'm gluten/dairy/soy/sugar free or vegetarian/vegan- will the recipes and diet suggestions be appropriate for me?
                      Absolutely! All the recipes and diet suggestions are gluten, dairy, soy and sugar free. Most recipes are vegetarian and vegan, and if not will offer a vegetarian alternative. Some recipes contain eggs.
                      What equipment do I need to complete the course?
                      The course is entirely self-paced and online. To access the course you will need a computer, tablet or mobile device and reliable internet.

                      To implement the protocols, you will need access to a kitchen and basic cooking utensils to prepare your hormone-balancing recipes.

                      It's as simple as that! Balanced hormones are within easy reach - you just need the proven step-by-step protocols. 
                      Can you remind me of everything I’m getting when I sign up today? What should I expect after completing the course?
                      When you sign up, you'll gain full access to the 8-week Hormone Harmony Academy course, access into the private Facebook group with monthly live sessions run by Tam and her team and the Essential Support Resources (10 eBooks + PDF files). You'll have everything you need to hit the ground running and make some serious change to your health.

                      Signing up during the special 7-day promotional period?

                      You'll also gain FREE access to the Cycle Supercharge Bonus Bundle (retails at US$147) which includes:

                      Daily Cycle Syncing Meditations for each season of your cycle

                      The full body Cycle Syncing Workout Video Series

                      ..and the Live Recipe Collection with continually updated hormone balancing and fertility supercharging recipes!

                      After completing this course, you will be well on your way to balanced hormones, glowing skin, stable moods, regular periods and supercharged fertility.

                      You'll finally understand how to interpret the language of your hormones and best take care of your body. You'll welcome your period as a blessing each month (hard to imagine I know!). And you'll be living in sync with your cycle, and using it as a source of power rather than fighting through the month.

                      You will finally feel in control of your health and life and will have fully stepped in to your feminine power! Your body will be primed to enjoy blissful cycles or an easy, natural conception (for all those mamas-to be!)
                      What if I have more questions?
                      Too easy! We're more than happy to answer them. Simply jump into the chat box on this page (little pink chat icon in the bottom right) or send an email through to
                      Check out what these amazing women had to say about HHA
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                      Pay In Full & Or Pay In Installments
                      You can pay in instalments, using Paypal Pay In 4, or pay in full now.
                      SAVE $100 TODAY
                       $597 USD
                      $497 USD
                      one time payment or 4 payments of $124 every 2 weeks using Paypal Pay In 4
                      • FULL access to Hormone Harmony Academy program
                      • All the crazy good bonuses
                      • Huge discounts on upgrades to supercharge your results
                      Need a more flexible payment plan?
                      Email our team at for more options

                      STILL UNDECIDED?

                      You’re ready to achieve lifelong hormone balance inside Hormone Harmony Academy if...

                      • Horrendous acne that stopped me leaving the house without makeup
                      • Incredibly painful periods that left me bed-bound, calling in sick to work
                      • Periods coming on a schedule of their own - often not showing up for months at a time
                      • Zero libido and flatlining energy 
                      • Feeling completely out of touch with my body and fed up with feeling like crap every day
                      • ​​Distrusting what my body was trying to tell me, suppressing my symptoms with painkillers, birth control, the latest acne creams/washes/pills with no relief
                      By changing my diet, addressing my imbalanced blood sugar, chronic gut and detoxification issues, I was finally able to experience pain-free, regular cycles, clear skin and stable moods.
                      I finally feeling like myself again after a decade of being unwell. Now, I have a burning desire to help other women in the same boat. 

                      I finally feeling like myself again after a decade of being unwell. Now, I have a burning desire to help other women in the same boat. 

                      On my journey to learn how to help woman like me (and help myself, of course!), I: 
                      • Spent 4 years studying full-time and tens of thousands of dollars to become a qualified Nutritionist (earning a Bachelor of Health Science, Nutritional Medicine, if you're a details person!)
                      • Spent 4 years learning how I could best teach people everything I know with a Bachelor of Education graduating with Honours (#humblebrag)
                      • Became a certified Fertility Awareness Educator all the while continuing to improve my health. 
                      • Treated hundreds of clients with my proven hormone balancing protocols. 
                      I did all this so that YOU don't have to spend thousands of dollars and a decade (or more!) to learn what I know.

                      If you said HECK YES to at least 1 of the above, I can't wait to meet 
                      you inside Hormone Harmony Academy

                      YES! I’m ready to give myself permission, knowing I’m protected by a full, 8 week money back guarantee*

                      Pay In Full & Or Pay In Installments
                      You can pay in instalments, using Paypal Pay In 4, or pay in full now.
                      SAVE $100 TODAY
                       $597 USD
                      $497 USD
                      one time payment or 4 payments of $124 every 2 weeks using Paypal Pay In 4
                      • FULL access to Hormone Harmony Academy program
                      • All the crazy good bonuses
                      • Huge discounts on upgrades to supercharge your results
                      Need a more flexible payment plan?
                      Email our team at for more options
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